An example of a congenital disease is weegy. 3. An example of a congenital disease is weegy

 3An example of a congenital disease is weegy  This answer has been confirmed as correct and

Asked 11/15/2018 6:17:15 PM. Cystic fibrosis is an example of a congenital disease. A disease present at birth. D) appendicitis. User: 16. Arteriosclerosis is a congenital disease. Confirmed by jeifunk [11/4/2018 11:24:28 PM]. 24 terms. C) osteoarthritis. 11/20/2023 5:58:08 AM| 5 Answers. Expert answered|Cheruiyot. Added 5/30/2015 12:31:51 PMQuestion 5 options: Degenerative disease Neoplastic disease Inflammatory disease Congenital disease A congenital condition exists at or before birth or develops during the first month of life. infantile heart disease c. Question. Weegy: Athlete's foot, ringworm, candida infections are examples of fungi. 11/15/2023 2:34:35 AM| 4 Answers What was the purpose of the Irish Republican Army Example of a congenital disease is: cystic fibrosis. The symptoms from some diseases may begin at any age. Weegy: The urinary system helps to maintain the proper pH (acid-base) balance of the BLOOD. Log in for more information. They range from simple to complex and critical. User: When pathologists are examining cells under the microscope and there is an abnormality, what do they evaluate and document? Question. Congenital disease – a disease present from birth, typically caused by some genetic factor;. haley_christian89. chronic respiratory disease. Weegy: Huntington s disease is an example of a. S. Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an inherited defect in how the body recycles LDL, or “bad” cholesterol. weegy. Question. Early signs and symptoms can include irritability, depression, small. There are many types of congenital heart defects. D) appendicitis. b. Also called birth defects, congenital anomalies or congenital malformations, these conditions develop prenatally and may be identified before or at birth, or later in life. |Score . cystic fibrosis. com. [smile] |Score 1|eshe22|Points 4711| User:. Updated 9/8/2016 12:08:18 PM. For example,. weegy. Ask a question. Updated 3/12/2021 1:08:14 PM. Mayang30|Points 3603| User: Existing from birth: hereditary congenital innate environmental Weegy: Existing from birth : innate. osteoarthritis. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. transplant B. User: Scoliosis is an example of what classification of disorders?(Points : 2) Congenital Trauma Secondary Infection Weegy: Scoliosis is typically classified as either congenital (caused by vertebral anomalies present at birth), idiopathic (cause unknown, subclassified as infantile, juvenile, adolescent, or adult, according to when onset occurred), [ or. abnormality of. Congenital disorder, also known as congenital disease, birth defect or anomaly,is a condition existing at or before birth regardless of cause. Weegy: SYNERGISM occurs when two drugs act together, each increasing the effects of the other. Congenital heart disease can be corrected with surgery. Congenital refers to a condition or disease which is present at birth. (More) QuestionUser: Toxoplasmosis is a disease a pregnant woman can contract during the second trimester that can cause congenital varicella syndrome Weegy: Toxoplasmosis is a disease a pregnant woman can contract during the second trimester that can cause congenital varicella syndrome (CVS). Cystic fibrosis D. Weegy: Example of a congenital disease is: cystic fibrosis. Costello syndrome. It's recommended you see a dentist Weegy: Another way you can take a more active role in your health is to see a dentist regularly. User: The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends brushing with fluoride toothpaste. Amanda is asking you about ways to reduce her risk of heart disease. tweet chicken|Points 100| Log in for more information. weegy. The following screening methods are available during pregnancy: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test or multiple marker test. 1 Answer/Comment. Log in for more information. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a biological carcinogen. Association of facial nerve palsy and congenital heart disease versus cardiofacial syndrome are different only on clinical grounds, so both conditions can be genetically identical and form part of the spectrum of defects. Grave’s disease. Log in for more information. in early childhood. M. People with two copies of the mutated gene have healthy red. In the past few decades, gene editing has advanced exponentially, introducing state-of-the. Weegy: The attack on Pearl Harbor brought the U. Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much more specific,. User: One of the advantages of starting your own business is A. This answer has been confirmed as correct and. Congenital Disorder. In fact, more than half of congenital hearing loss is inherited. Expert Answered. 78 terms. Weegy: A drug used to counteract the effect of an excessive drug toxicity level is. [ ] User: Hematology is a branch of medicine that specializes in Weegy: Hematology is a branch of medicine that specializes in the study of blood, blood-forming organs and blood diseases. Babies with Down syndrome have an extra copy of one of. Expert answered|Janet17. An example of a congenital disease is Question 2 options: A) osteoarthritis. 0 Answers/Comments. Cystic fibrosis D. '; Popular Conversations. These diseases are not curable and pass from a diseased parent onto their offspring. Dizziness C. Appendicitis B. Most often, the parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive condition each carry one copy of the altered gene, but do not show. Expert Answered. A) Acquired disease B) Congenital disease C) Either a congenital or acquired disease D) Neither a congenital nor acquired disease Either a congenital or acquired disease BEST describes a disease such as deafness. If a baby boy is born with a heart murmur, he is said to have: a. User: When pathologists are examining cells under the microscope and there is an. B. Score . Weegy: The attack on Pearl Harbor brought the U. User: Scoliosis is an example of what classification of disorders?(Points : 2) Congenital Trauma Secondary Infection Weegy: Scoliosis is typically classified as either congenital (caused by vertebral anomalies present at birth), idiopathic (cause unknown, subclassified as infantile, juvenile, adolescent, or adult, according to when onset occurred), [ or. Appendicitis B. present at birth C. chronic respiratory disease. osteoarthritis. Log in for more information. Asked 2/7/2022 5:17:45 PM. Weegy: An example of a congential disease is Grave's disease. Weegy: Warning triangles, flares, a vehicle's hazard lights, or emergency vehicles ahead, are all clues that. D) appendicitis. Sickle cell disease is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders that affect hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen through the body. postnatal heart disease d. There are other congenital anomalies that impact the growth or development of the central nervous system and are often considered central nervous system diseases. cystic fibrosis. infectious diseases B. radiation D. an abnormally narrow aorta. Updated 8/13/2018 9:26:58 AM. Congenital disorders can be defined as structural or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life. Eating and digestive issues, such as difficulty swallowing or an inability to process nutrients. vaccination. Question|Asked by Loved1025. (neonatal disease), regardless of causation. Statement 3: Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens. An example of a congenital disease is . icecream00|Points 137|. Neonates or infants requiring open heart surgery. Dizziness is an example of a symptom. Previous publications presented congenital syphilis rates per 100,000 population during 1941–1994 and rates for cases diagnosed at younger than 1 year of age per 100,000 live births. Platelets play a major role in blood clotting. Rabies is transmitted from animals to humans, so it's an example of Zoonotic kind of disease. If a baby boy is born with a heart murmur, he is said to have congenital heart disease. Appendicitis B. What is cystitis? A. FALSE. Score . Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation (CDG) Congenital hyperinsulinism. The agent was unable to enter the body and grow because it was stopped by the person's skin. Click the card to flip 👆. Expert Answered. Question Asked 3/21/2019 12:17:37 PM Updated 119 days ago|7/23/2023 2:45:36 PM 1 Answer/Comment This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. B. B) cystic fibrosis. Question. C. 1 , 2 , 3 Birth defects may also be classified as major or minor anomalies depending on the magnitude of the structural. Expert answered|capslock|Points 3039| User:. congestive heart diseaseUser: Feline asthma is an example of what type of disease? Weegy: Feline asthma is an example of respiratory and inflammatory disease. In this chapter, we highlight the clinical and genetic features associated with the rare inherited forms of neurodegenerative diseases, including ataxias, multiple system atrophy, spastic paraplegias, Parkinson's disease, dementias, motor neuron diseases, and rare metabolic disorders. Which statement is true about parts of the respiratory system? If a baby boy is born with a heart murmur, he is said to have: a. a progressive virusUser: which of the following is an example of a chronic disease Weegy: Chronic (medicine) A chronic condition is a human health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects. Misaligned teeth. congenital heart disease b. erikamchadwick Terms in this set (15) Define congenital disease. I00-I99: Diseases of the circulatory system. User: A congenital disoder is one which started : A) before birth B) in early child hood C) after puberty D) during a hospitialization Weegy: A congenital disoder is one which started before birth. Some children have breathing problems (dyspnea). WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Expert Answered. B. Weegy: Foam brightens like the dogwood now is an example of a: SIMILE. An example of a congenital disease is Weegy: Cystic fibrosis is an example of a congenital disease. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. However, a child with a congenital disorder may experience a disability or health problems. It's recommended you. Symptoms may begin in a single age range, or during several age ranges. 8784 User: All non-harmful. |Score 1|emdjay23|Points 252825| User: Enemas are administered . C) osteoarthritis. 3. User: When pathologists are examining cells under the microscope and there is an abnormality, what do they evaluate and document?Weegy: Athlete's foot, ringworm, candida infections are examples of fungi. Cystic fibrosis is an example of a congenital disease. Score 1 User: When pathologists are examining cells under the microscope and there is an abnormality, what do they evaluate and document? User: An example of a congenital disease is Weegy: Cystic fibrosis is an example of a congenital disease. Weegy: Greater physical strength is NOT a benefit of healthy social-emotional development for children. Neurological issues such as seizures or . Birth defects are also referred to as "congenital anomalies" or "congenital abnormalities. Give two examples of bacterial diseases. A congenital disorder, or congenital disease, is a condition. Cystic fibrosis D. appendicitis. Log in for more information. Caffeine is a type of blank. These codes should also be billed when these angiographic services are performed unrelated to cardiac catheterization. 2. They determine how a baby’s body forms and functions as it grows during pregnancy and after birth. Cystic fibrosis is an example of a congenital disease. Question. A congenital condition of the kidneys B. Updated 1/25/2021 9:50:11 PM. B) cystic fibrosis. User: When pathologists are examining cells under the microscope and there is an abnormality, what do they evaluate and document? Weegy: Athlete's foot, ringworm, candida infections are examples of fungi. 14 terms. If your blood test shows you’re a carrier for a genetic risk, your partner should also undergo. Adult-onset Huntington's disease, the most common form of this disorder, usually appears in a person's thirties or forties. Congenital heart disease (CHD) can describe a number of different problems affecting the heart. Score 1. More. Mayang30|Points 3603| User: Existing from birth: hereditary congenital innate environmental Weegy: Existing from birth : innate. Congenital heart disease can be corrected with surgery. C. long hours. Weegy: Lesion is an abnormal change in structure of an organ or part due to injury or disease especially. D. alysiafaith. Trisomy 21, also known as Down syndrome, is a condition characterized by a distinctive pattern of minor and major anomalies associated with excess chromosome 21 material. An example of a congenital disease is Question 2 options: A) osteoarthritis. Congenital. Normally, when one of your blood vessels. Expert answered|Cheruiyot|Points 5112| Log in for more information. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Asked 2/7/2021 5:39:25 PM. User: A congenital disoder is one which started : A) before birth B) in early child hood C) after puberty D) during a hospitialization Weegy: A congenital disoder is one which started before birth. appendicitis. 11/21/2023 7:44:08 AM| 4 Answers When querying the vehicle file by license plate (LIC), you could. |Score . A person with this condition may have the following: Shorter arms and legs. 1 Answer/Comment. appendicitis. Question. Popular Conversations. They can happen in one or more parts of the heart. User: Another way you can take a more active role in your health is to see a dentist regularly. after puberty. Examples are ataxia-telangiectasia Ataxia-Telangiectasia Ataxia-telangiectasia results from a DNA repair defect that frequently. A disease determined by genetics. Example of a congenital disease is: cystic fibrosis. infantile heart disease c. c. ampollo1. chronic respiratory disease. An example of a congenital disease is A. Weegy: Athlete's foot, ringworm, candida infections are examples of fungi. A) Acquired disease B) Congenital disease C) Either a congenital or acquired disease D) Neither a congenital nor acquired disease Either a congenital or acquired disease BEST describes a disease such as deafness. If a baby boy is born with a heart murmur, he is said to have: a. 1. protective behavior D. Question. Aplastic anemia is an example of which variation in the types of disease? A. giardiasis. B. Expert Answered. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. into World War II. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Lyme disease used to be geographically restricted to the northeastern United States but has since spread significantly. '; Popular Conversations. Statement 4:Tuberculosis is an example of non-infectious disease. C. What was the purpose of the Irish Republican Army . Question. |Score 1|emdjay23|Points 203692| User: Word meaning "non-communicable"" infectious non-infectious hereditary congenital Weegy: "Non-communicable" means non-infectious. giardiasis. is used in genetic testing for certain inherited disease. The congenital syphilis data in Table 1 of this report represent the number of congenital syphilis cases per 100,000 live births for all years during 1941–2021. Question. chronic respiratory disease. 11/8/2023 1:16:57 AM| 4 Answers whats the first step you should take when doing a close reading of a. cystic fibrosis. weegy. Weegy: Because web pages are often updated, it's important to include "Date accessed" in a citation. Grave's disease. 1/24/2023 12:51:15 AM| 5 Answers. Crepitus Weegy: Alopecia is a common side effect that occurs with antineoplastic agents. AmniocentesisSymptom: Any subjective evidence of disease. Log in for more information. Sickle cell disease. Expert answered|Cheruiyot. Rabies is transmitted from animals to humans, so it's an example of what kind of disease? A. Ask a question. appendicitis. There are treatments to manage aplastic anemia symptoms, but a stem cell transplantation is the only cure. Robert Hooke. Achondroplasia is a common genetic condition marked by slow bone growth due to protein malfunction. Asked 5/30/2022 1:03:11 AM. Phil. The current 042-044 series of codes has been replaced with a single code, 042, for HIV disease. Heart disease, including. Congenital heart disease can be corrected with surgery. Weegy. Smoking increases risk for coronary heart disease (CHD) by _____. diabetes. TRUE or FALSE. Weegy: The waste product of electrons and pyruvate combining in fermentation is lactic acid. Asked 10/21/2021 3:47:27 AM. Gold was important in Egypt because it was associated with A. Cause of congenital disorders: The random events occurring during the developmental stage known as the nondisjunction, leads to an imbalance of. B. User: Which of the following is an example of a chronic disease?Question 1 options: Flu Diabetes Tuberculosis Salmonella Weegy: Diabetes is an example of a chronic disease. Weegy: A Pedigree is a family tree used to study inheritance of a trait in humans. Fever B. When the heart or blood vessels near the heart do not develop normally before birth, a condition called congenital heart defect occurs (congenital means "existing at birth"). Weegy: It produces antibodies that can kill microorganisms and recognize the same pathogen in the future -correctly describes humoral immunity. User: When pathologists are examining cells under the microscope and there is an abnormality, what do they evaluate and document? Log in for more information. User: Which of the following is a common side effect that occurs with antineoplastic agents? A. Since I stopped vacuuming, the house has become dusty. User: An example of a congential disease is A. bacteria or parasites. Score 1. g. 32 terms. O C. Dizziness is an example of a symptom. User: An example of a congenital disease is Weegy: Cystic fibrosis is an example of a congenital disease. Weegy: Warning triangles, flares, a vehicle's hazard lights, or emergency vehicles ahead, are all clues that you might. Weegy: When an attorney's fee is a percentage of the recovery, this represents a. A. Question. Question. Score 1 User: Consider a situation in which you're alone at home and the smoke detector goes off. What are the three classifications of bacteria?An example of a congential disease is Grave's disease. osteoarthritis. Weegy: The Chinese government find qualified professionals to work in government during the Ming and Qing dynasties: People were deemed suitable by passing civil service exams. (More)An example of a congenital disease is A. Symptoms of this disease may start to appear at a variety of ages. 10/26/2022 4:01:13 AM| 10 Answers. diabetes. Weegy: If an astronaut has a mass of 80 kilograms on earth, [ the force of. Congenital also means existing from birth. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. Andrew. Expert answered|summerandlove|Points 210| User: In regard to a disease the word etiology means: A) no known cause B) the orgin of the disease C) a disease. This makes Lyme disease an example of A. User: An example of a congenital disease is Weegy: Cystic fibrosis is an example of a congenital disease. infectious diseases B. This answer has been confirmed as correct and. S. Asked 1/30/2021 5:12:11 PM. Expert answered|Score . Their impact on a child’s health and development isn’t always severe, and sometimes it can be quite mild. User: Huntington’s disease is an example of a/n _______ disorder, where anyone with one copy of the allele that causes Huntington’s will exhibit the disorder, and the allele is not located on a sex chromosome. 8784 User: All non-harmful. C) Grave's disease. 10: J00-J99. Log in for more information. Weegy: Caffeine is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the methylxanthine class of psychoactive drugs. Some of the most common birth defects include, but aren’t limited to, the following: A cleft lip and/or cleft palate. [ ] User: Hematology is a branch of medicine that specializes in Weegy: Hematology is a branch of medicine that specializes in the study of blood, blood-forming organs and blood diseases. An example of a congenital disease is Weegy: Cystic fibrosis is an example of a congenital disease. For example, it may be associated with a white forelock, and be caused by a genetic disease called Waardenburg syndrome. Echocardiography is an all. 1. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. It's recommended you. Developmental B. Angina C. postnatal heart disease d. c. Weegy: Example of a congenital disease is: cystic fibrosis. Grave’s disease . Updated 7/19/2022 4:56:06 AM. Birth defects may result in disabilities that may be physical, intellectual, or developmental. D. weegy Answer Search Help Account Feed Signup Log In Question and answer An example of a congenital disease is? Cystic fibrosis is an example of a congenital disease. An example of a congenital disease is Question 2 options: A) osteoarthritis. Weegy: The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0. D) appendicitis. Weegy: Dead, flaky skin best describes dandruff. Previous. Weegy: Lyme disease used to be geographically restricted to the northeastern United States but has since spread significantly. For example, it may be associated with a white forelock, and be caused by a genetic disease called Waardenburg syndrome. Congenital heart defects occur in close to 1% of infants. "congenital heart disease". 1 Answer/Comment. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Weegy. Get an answer. Weegy: In regard to a disease, the word etiology means : the cause or origin of the disease. Congenital disease can be inherited by genes or caused by environmental or external factors aquired disease is caused only by environmental or external factors . Asked 1/25/2021 6:18:18 PM. User: When pathologists are examining cells under the microscope and there is an abnormality, what do they evaluate and document?Weegy: It produces antibodies that can kill microorganisms and recognize the same pathogen in the future -correctly describes humoral immunity. appendicitis. Asked 5/17/2013 11:59:13 AM. andaminglouise|Points 11| User: immunity uses helper cells and killer cells to identify and. after puberty. Answer: congenital heart disease. User: Feline asthma is an example of what type of disease? Weegy: Feline asthma is an example of respiratory and inflammatory disease. These organisms, depending on the context, can cause. The most common congenital heart diseases diagnosed in infancy are muscular and perimembranous ventricular septal defects. Inflammatory D. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Grave’s disease . Fatal B. Popular Conversations. Question|Asked by Loved1025.